| 01462 414820
  • Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm
  • |
  • Sat & Sun: Closed

We are Closed for Annual leave from 3pm on the 13/02/25 and reopening @ 8am on the 24/02/25 Kindest regards The Garage Shefford .

Air Conditioning

At The Garage Shefford we are able to recharge air con systems at a competitive rate. When your vehicle’s A/C system is recharged we will carry out a pressure check to find any major leaks. Minor leaks however will not be found at this point, but don’t worry! We will inject an ultra violet tracer dye in with the gas free of charge so if your system does spring a leak, then we will be able to locate it. If you do have a leak and we carry out the repair we will then re-fill the system 100% free of charge after the repair is complete.

The prices vary based on the type of refrigerant required. Your vehicle should have a sticker under the bonnet stating which you need, but if you’re not sure feel free to give us a call!

  • R134A: £45 inclusive of VAT (over 500g £55 inclusive of VAT)
  • R1234YF: £100 inclusive of VAT (over 500g £120 inclusive of VAT)

We have green status…
Fully Compliant with DVSA MOT testing standards You, our valued customer, will be pleased to know that we are a green status test station
Find out more
Assessed by DVSA

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Book your vehicle in

Submit your details using the form below to enquire about your vehicle. We'll get back to you as soon as we can (during working hours). Please note: your booking and enquiry will not be confirmed until we send you a separate confirmation email.

1 Your details

2 The Car

3 Submit

/ / at

We are able to accept Visa, Visa Debit, Mastercard and Solo cards at our garage as well as cash. Note: Debit card maybe used on any transaction amount.